Thursday, December 20, 2007


So, after I wrote that first post, I started really thinking about all my little quirks & idiosyncrasies, and one of them is that I like to have all of my clothes facing the same direction (front of the shirt facing left). It really freaks me out if one of them is - Heaven forbid! - facing right. It's very disconcerting & makes my morning a little more stressful if they're not right - I mean left... or whatever. No, I do not suffer from OCD. My eccentricities seldom disturb the function of my daily life. The lives of others, on the other hand, if they're not doing one of those silly things the way they should be done, well, that's another story...

This is MY Blog

So, I've come to the realization that everyone in the world has a blog but me. I don't think that's an exaggeration. So, this is my blog. I don't know what it's going to say yet, but here it is. Maybe I'll start with this - the address is because that's one of the many words I frequently use when trying to explain my ways to people who don't get it: quirky. I am - through and through. And I like it. For example, sometimes I burst into laughter when I'm by myself (though within earshot of others), and it completely puzzles those around that I could be laughing at something that's happening internally & not externally. So, I don't bother explaining my outburst or the thought that provoked it most of the time because they wouldn't understand if I tried to describe in great detail that my chihuahua sometimes gets her top lip stuck on one side so that one tiny little tooth sticks out, almost making her look menacing. It's weird, I know, but that's probably what "they" think about me, and I'm totally cool with that. It gives me an edge over the rest of the cookie-cutter, sheeple world.

More to come... :)

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