Monday, May 21, 2012

I Feel an Idea Coming on...

You may or may not know this (depending on just how long you've been subjected to my nonsense), but this blog - Ponderings & Pensées - was originally hosted on blogger as It still gets you here, but I abandoned it for the much more fun (for me) I don't remember quite why I came up with "a quirk a day" so many years ago, but this humble blog has never lived up to such a name. Actually, it never was even intended to be a daily blog... things in my brain sometimes just... "happen." It doesn't necessarily require rhyme or reason...

That said, I'm conjuring up a personal challenge for myself for this summer. What I am considering is... a blog post per day every day during the month of June. Granted, that is a tall order for me, but I'm sort of craving a new challenge... and if I give myself a little grace, I think I can be up for it. So, I'm thinking that it wouldn't necessarily have to be a long, drawn-out post each day... but could even be as simple as a picture I came across that I appreciate & why... or something funny that I overheard... or a short anecdotal story... It can be done. :)

So we'll see... perhaps June 1 I will start on this little blogging journey. Will you join me? :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Don't Be Skerred

"Psht, I ain't skerred."

Now there's something you might hear me say when I'm being silly and trying to sound as gangsta as possible for a lil white 30-year old woman; but the truth is, I am "skerred." I'm scared of lots of things. Lots and lots of scary things.

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