One thing I've always been quite adept at is introspection. I'm always considering why I do, think, or feel a certain way; what is it that drives me; where my quirks come from; and why I react the way I do to different situations. And although I might not like all of it all the time, I accept that every little bit of my being adds up to the sum total of ME. So while I might be full of crazy-headed ideas and quirks and filled to the brim with mildly neurotic tendencies, at least I know who I am, and there's definitely something to be said for that.
When I was in middle school, as a punishment for certain minor infractions, we were forced to copy a self-esteem essay called I am me. This little gem of an essay is a complete load of horseshit and never helped me learn about who I am or how to appreciate myself. It just made me mad when I had to write it. What I'm talking about is real, true introspection - really getting to know who I am.
Lately, I've been faced with just that repeatedly, and reminders of my personality traits have come in the strangest forms: Observing a favorite insect, a movie trailer, and a movie review by my friend 2D. I'll explain them here - complete with pictures and video - and show you how I see glimpses of myself in all of these things.
When I was in middle school, as a punishment for certain minor infractions, we were forced to copy a self-esteem essay called I am me. This little gem of an essay is a complete load of horseshit and never helped me learn about who I am or how to appreciate myself. It just made me mad when I had to write it. What I'm talking about is real, true introspection - really getting to know who I am.
Lately, I've been faced with just that repeatedly, and reminders of my personality traits have come in the strangest forms: Observing a favorite insect, a movie trailer, and a movie review by my friend 2D. I'll explain them here - complete with pictures and video - and show you how I see glimpses of myself in all of these things.