Friday, January 25, 2008


Let's go ahead & get the word out - I'm hopelessly sentimental and nostalgic. I enjoy things like a quick note to say "hi" from a friend or family member, or a phone call from someone I didn't think ever thought of me. And the thing about me & friendships is once I've developed a bond with someone, it can hardly be broken. I will keep friendships across oceans and continents because I can't imagine just letting a friend go. So, that said...

Today is a diamond among rocks, a rose among thorns -- a happy day amidst a week of incredible stress and anxiety. Today I found my friend Bill. That's not actually his name - his name is Guilherme, which is "William" in Portuguese, so when he was an exchange student during my high school years, we called him "Bill." My B-F-F and I have looked for him for years, intermittently searching the Internet - trying to find a trace of this friend we once had. Well, today I'm so happy to say, we found him! I love the Internet, and I love email - two of the most incredible inventions of our time. Ahhh.. what a great day...

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