And today is, of course, National Compliment Day, so I would like to take a moment to say that you look really nice. And you smell good too. :D
I'm all work and very little play these days, but since it is, in fact, International Quality of Life Month, I'm definitely making it a point to have a little fun and de-stress time. It would help, too, if the Saints would win the last game of the playoffs today against the Minnesota Vikings. That could definitely contribute to my feeling really, really happy. Brees, I'm lookin' at you.
So maybe that's not exactly a "quality of life" issue, but a if the Saints go to the Superbowl, there will be no underestimating the fierce pride that will well up in the hearts of every single New Orleanian both in the city and beyond (I had to include the "beyond" part 'cause that's where I am at the moment :P). Oh, and I should probably include this short letter to the city I love:
"Dear New Orleans,
If the Saints do make it to the Superbowl, please do not burn down the city. Thanks.
Love, Me"
On another note, I've already been hard at work making sure that I am able to participate in National Take Back Your Time Week, too. I finished planning the entire week already for the French 1010 classes I'm teaching - quizzes, PowerPoint presentations, assignments are posted online - everything! So that's me taking back my time. No last minute stressing, planning, trying to figure out what on earth I'm doing the next day in class... no sir. I'm taking back my time. And I'll have a little extra time to actually focus on reading and doing work for the classes I'm taking so I can finally finish this Master's degree! (And have a little fun too!)
Anyway, that's it for now. I'm getting back to work, so I can watch the game in a little bit...

For National Compliment Day, you can give my compliments to the Saints! I'm sure you are excited! I was at Jules house, watching the game. She is from Minnesota, so you know who we were rooting for. But we're all about dem Saints now!