Friday, May 13, 2011

Soapbox Shorty #2: Midday Roadwork

Really? Really?! 3 of the 4 lanes of a major thoroughfare have to be blocked off, causing major congestion during the lunchtime rush hour, for what appears to be the FILLING OF A POTHOLE?? Who's the genius who thought, "Here we go. Let's fill a small pothole in the middle of the day-during the lunch rush hour-that requires us to block off several lanes of traffic on a major expressway"?? Really?? Now I realize that I'm overusing question marks here... but it's appropriate, considering the fact that there are only unanswered questions when examining this situation.

Question 1: Whose decision was that?

Question 2: Is that person accountable to anyone as regards decision-making?

Question 3: Why not do that sort of thing at midnight?

Question 4: Am I the only one who's thought of this idea??

Allow me to answer that last question: NO. It's certainly not possible that I am the only one who ever thought, "Why isn't this bizarre road work happening at 2 a.m. on a Tuesday?" That being the ostensible case, one last frustration-fueled question: Why is this still happening?? I should go down to the Office of Public Don't-Werks and tell them my idea and show them my mean face:

*mean face*

That'll show 'em.


  1. Your "mean face" looks a lot like my "teaching face". Especially this week! I'm 100% in agreement with you as far as road work is concerned. I also have a question to add to your list: Why does everyone slow down to look at the road work when all we want to do is get where we're going? Now that is a really tough question for me to answer because I will gripe and moan and whine about the work being done and then when I pass the workers, I slow down and look around to see if there's something interesting going on. There never is. I'm always surprised.

  2. Hahaha! Come to think of it, that sure looks remarkably similar to my teaching face, too. So why aren't the kids more scared of us? :P

    And, yes, I have also been guilty of first trying to ignore the supposed source of traffic and then failing and letting my curiosity get the best of me, as I look over and find it was absolutely nothing. Now THAT is frustrating. I guess deep down I'd rather there be a reason than not.

  3. Took me awhile but I found it. This guy has a problem with traffic (not construction, but drivers) but I loved his commentary so I had to share:

    On page 3, Apr. 13, with 6 minutes to go. Passionate.

  4. I love that. It makes me so ... happy. It happens all the time at 8am as well. I love your mean muggin face. Looks sort of like the bus driver from South Park :)


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