Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ode to Blogging

I never fully grasped the responsibility that blogging carried with it until now. I actually had a couple of people in the same week ask me when I was going to write a new entry, which was the first time I realized that I have readership. I mean, they are few - in fact, they are two - but it's my humble debut... as a blogger, mind you. That was kind of fun. Thanks for reading.

So anyways, I think it's about time someone invented the cure for the cold virus. I'm done with all of these weird homeopathic remedies like Zicam. I don't want to put a gooey Q-tip in my nose. Sorry, just doesn't do it for me. Besides it kind of burns & stings a little, and I don't think that's such a great alternative to itchiness. If you have the cure for the common (rather, not-so-common) cold, let me know, and I'll help you get it on the market. Don't worry - I'll give you a share of the royalties involved. It's just about time. We've been to the moon, we can travel to the deepest depths of the ocean, but the cure for a little pesky cold does not seem to be on the horizon.

Speaking of horizons (nice segue, right? ;) ), I was watching this program on UFOs last night - wait, before you say anything, just hear me out - and I listened in awe as the "expert" commentators and narrator described documents (located in fire houses around the country, as well as in police manuals and handbooks of government agencies, such as the CIA and FBI) that outline what to do in the event of a UFO landing or crash. There are apparently elaborate plans on how to handle a situation such as that, which is fascinating. I don't give a hoot about a UFO; what really sparks my curiosity stems from an observation that Buddy made while we were watching this program. He looked at me and said, "It's amazing that there are these detailed guidelines for what to do if we're invaded by aliens, but everyone scratched their heads when Hurricane Katrina hit, as though there was no plan at all." And you know what? He's right.

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