Sad Kitty
So what do you do? There's no explanation for it, really.
Work is stressful?
Somewhat but not overwhelmingly.
Life is difficult?
No, not particularly.
You have friends and family who love you?
Yes, absolutely, I do.
So what is it then?
I have no idea whatsoever.
And therein lies a huge part of the problem. There seems to be no answers. If it were something I could put my finger on and say, "Ah ha! That is what it is!" then maybe I could come up with a solution. Maybe. But since sometimes the sad kitties are just there, it's hard to know what to do about them.
A friend reminded me yesterday, though, that we should be thankful for the ruts because the tough times are sometimes the most meaningful. It's where we learn what we're made of, where we discover the stuff that keeps us pressing on. It's not in the happy, joyful times that we learn that we're as tough as nails and have enough fight in us to put down an army single-handedly... it's in the harder times, when our emotions are strained and we're not even sure if it's possible to ever feel the same again.
At the moment I feel like, "Where'd the Stacie I know go?" but I know she's still in there... maybe there's something else I need to learn about me... or maybe there's just one tiny tweak I need to make in my routine. Whatever it is, I'll figure it out... it's just a matter of time. For now, I'll dangle that thought in front of myself like a light bulb on a string & pretend it's the light at the end of the tunnel.
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