Sunday, June 24, 2012

Give Us This Day Our Daily Possibilities

I tend to be the kind of person who wants to do it all, even when doing it all is not possible. How many times have I been told, "only do today what can be done today." This, I believe, is very good advice, but when I originally got the idea for this post, the entire concept was very different than what is about to be written...

I'd like to take this opportunity to turn this idea on its head and flip it inside out: "Only do what can be done today" some days is the equivalent of "Only do today what you can possibly find it in yourself to do." Eliminate the full realm of a day's possibilities. It might be that you "can" do that abbreviated list of things (because you cut out certain other things that would overextend you), but should you? Should you do all the possible things every day? I say no. While it's a good general rule, there are definite exceptions.

Some days, it's all you can do to just put one foot in front of the other. Some days, eating 3 proper meals is a grand accomplishment. Some days, if you remember to feed the dog, you feel like you should have been awarded a medal. Some days, just knowing what is possible for you on that day and just doing that is plenty enough.

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