Friday, March 21, 2008

Life at 26: Day 2

Most days I don't even consider how old I am unless someone asks, but birthdays have a way of suddenly bringing the subject to one's attention, which is unfortunate.

I'm still questioning whether I was ever 25, let alone whether or not I am, in fact, now 26. I don't feel 26... some say I don't look 26, so am I really that old? Not that it's old as in elderly, but I almost tell people I'm younger than I am when they ask - not because I want to lie about my age, which is silly - but because I really believe it. "So, Stacie, how old are you?" "Twenty-tw-- uh, twenty-fo-- I mean, twenty-six." It's weird, but it happens sometimes.

And I now have more of my twenties behind me than in front of me. 30 is around the corner, and I'm still not convinced it's all true. My sister and I have devised a way to keep me in denial (which also aids in my forgetting my age at times)... since my 21st birthday, we've decided that I'm having "Annual 20th Birthdays." So, yesterday, I celebrated my 6th annual 20th birthday, which just sounds better!

All of that said, I just know this is going to be a great year! My life is on the move, and there's some momentum building, which is really exiting. I suppose the only way to live a really long time but never get a year older is to go to Heaven, so I should just stop resisting and keep aging for now. :)

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