Saturday, June 2, 2012

Follow the Rules, Part 1: Social Fail

I've always been an overachiever.

Wow. You poor little reader. I see what happened there. Surely you're thinking to yourself, "Wait... you can't just start a blog like that... There's no context... It's just *BAM!* Here's a fast and furious glimpse into a random blogger's psyche. In ya. face." Ok, ok... I see your point. Let's take a step back.

I like to do things well. Actually, when I say "do things well," what I mean is that I've been told by friends, family, and a therapist that I am a perfectionist. Please don't ogle me. I am, after all, only human...

Friday, June 1, 2012

The 612 Project: #1

It's official: The 612 Project is underway. I've committed to a blog-a-day during the month of June, and here it goes. I've considered, reflected, contemplated... written, invented, rehashed, and re-evaluated. This blog is a mere speck in the blogosphere, a tiny corner of the Internet, a large part of my life, and a huge piece of me. I'm feeling challenged and inspired... and inspired to challenge.

[Many thanks to George Carlin - {R.I.P.} - for the very clever opening monologue that unexpectedly inspired the above ramblings.]

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