Saturday, January 19, 2013

Déjà Vu

The human brain is a fascinating thing. All of who we are - memories, personality, perceptions - it's all stored up there in that gray matter, held together by synapses and neurons. Science has yet to fully understand it, but there's no need really... we go on day after day, and it just does what it does without us giving a thought (ironically enough) to what it's doing. Admittedly, though, it is mystifying, and once in a while something will happen up there that draws our attention back to it... and makes us go "wow... what is that?"

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Movie Review: The Silver Linings Playbook [2012]

Some writers can pound out a meaningful film review within moments of seeing a movie. Of course, others are equally adept at punching out drivel immediately after, too, but that's neither here nor there. Me, though, I can't write about a movie until after I've processed what I've seen and heard, which means that often, by the time I get around to writing about a movie I saw in the theater (or "at the show" as we say here in the Greater New Orleans area), it's likely on Netflix. In fact, I still have Crazy Stupid Love saved as a draft... from 2011. That one is just awaiting a re-watch so I can re-process it because I loved it THAT MUCH. It's coming... wait. for. it.

So maybe I'll never be more than a couch potato movie critic. So be it. Another thing is that I - so far - only write about movies that I like for one reason or another. I write what's in my heart, and that's good enough for me. That said, the latest flick to move me was The Silver Linings Playbook starring Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence  and Robert De Niro. And when I say "move" I mean... "shake." At the end of the movie, I was shaking. That has to be a good sign...

Before we go any further, I really shouldn't call this a movie review. It's really more of a post-viewing reflection based on what I saw. No summaries, no synopses. I highly recommend it to anyone, and you should certainly watch it to know what it's about, but that's not what this is. No spoilers here either. :)

And without any further ado...

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